Sunday, April 11, 2010

Getting Bigger

Last night watching tv, me and Ben were talking and I coul feel the baby moving like crazy so I put my hand on my stomach and felt it. I turned to Ben and said do you want to see if you can feel the baby so he put his hand on my stomach and totally felt it. We were so excited. I am only 20 weeks I will be 21 on wednesday so we didnt think we would feel it so soon so it was very exciting. We only know about 80% that it is a girl. Every time I go in she is very modest my other kids were like here I am so hopefully next time we will know for sure.


cassie said...
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Kristie said...

Don't you just love that. That has to be my most favorite part of pregnancy. I felt my boy kick so early and so did Bran. And he moves all the time it is starting to get annoying! He never sleeps. Or Maybe he is like Brandon and walks in his sleep already!