Sunday, November 15, 2009

random thoughts

I am having one of those days of feeling like you dont give enough thanks for the things that you have. In a moment things can be perfect and in a instant it can all be taken away. I am so grateful for my life, I have it better than I could ever imagined. I have an amazing husband and three beautiful, happy, healthy children. I am so grateful to be me and thank you to everyone that has been a part of my life even if it was as simple as a smile. I held my baby girl today in my arms and squeezed her so tight and told her how much I loved her and I didnt want to put her down and the best part is she held me close and gave me hugs and kisses and told me she loved me. What more could a mom want than a moment like that. It is great to be me! As the top of our blog states dont blink, truley in an instant the are all grown and life is passing you by. I dont want it to pass me by I want to be in it and live in the now and not worry about tommorow I want to see and be apart of every little thing. Sorry about the random thoughts it was just one of those days.